
Friday, November 20, 2015

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Ms. Frenzel is out sick today, but all our Pre-K teachers hope you have a great weekend! Show and Tell will resume Monday and there is no other homework for the weekend!

Just a reminder: We will be closed on Thanksgiving and Black Friday

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thank You Parents!

The Pre-K class had an amazing time today and really loved seeing all the Disney characters perform on the ice! A very special thank you goes out to Yasemin, Lucas, and Gianni's mom's for taking the time to chaperone our field trip in such short notice! You moms were awesome and made our experience at the Prudential Center so much more fun.

Show and Tell will resume on Monday  for the letter Gg. 

Thank You!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Field Trip Tomorrow!

Hello Parents! Tomorrow is our field trip to the Prudential Center for Disney on Ice! Here is a complete run-down of what to expect tomorrow, since this trip will be running a little differently since we are watching a show.

Please read through this information below. Additionally, you can email Ms. Frenzel at if you have any questions or need further clarifications :) I will be checking emails until 10:30 PM tonight.

  • Please arrive on time -- by 9:00 A.M. Breakfast will be served from 8:00 to 8:30 AM as usual.
  • We will be lining all students up, taking attendance, and doing bathroom runs during this time -- so please make your drop offs as prompt as possible. 
Lunch and Snacks:
  • The office has given us official word on times and meals regarding tomorrow. Since we will be back relatively early, Pizza day is still on for tomorrow -- and we will eat as soon as we get back to school between 12:45 PM - 1:00 PM. 
  • We will provide a light snack during the Disney on Ice show to hold children over until lunch
  • Please dress children according to the weather forecast tomorrow. Also keep in mind that the majority of our trip is indoors.
  • If you happen to have an orange trip shirt, we encourage students to wear them -- however,  it is not mandatory. 
If you have any questions at all, please see Ms. Frenzel or email her!

Additional Class News:
  • We will only have 3 days of school next week: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. All three days are full school days, and we will be closed for Thanksgiving and the day after (Black Friday). 
  • Ms. Frenzel will be leaving on Wednesday, November 25th at 12:30 PM. You may direct all of your questions to Ms. Hanna or Ms. Marcela.

Monday, November 16, 2015

New Week and Lesson Plan Update

Happy Monday to you all. Here is the updated Lesson Plan for this Week!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Happy Friday Everyone!

It's Friday! We hope you all had an excellent week, and wish you a happy and safe weekend. 

There is no homework, but encourage all Pre-k students to continue their acts of kindness around the house.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Happy Thursday!

Thank you all for the wonderful Show and Tell contributions today! We had a great time talking about the letter F, making F phonemic sounds, and getting our stickers for our sticket charts.
Please don't forget to sign up for our Disney on Ice trip -- and if you do not plan on attending this month's trip, please see Ms. Frenzel so I can update our class trip roster.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Pizza Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is Show and Tell letter Ff. Please bring in something that begins with the letter Ff to share with the class. Some great examples we came up with today were: frog, fish, fairy, fire truck, frame, face mask, faces, frankfurters, friendship bracelets, and friends.

Tomorrow is Pizza Day Thursday! And once again, please see the main office to sign up for our field trip to Disney on Ice.