
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Field Trip Tomorrow!

Hello Parents! Tomorrow is our field trip to the Prudential Center for Disney on Ice! Here is a complete run-down of what to expect tomorrow, since this trip will be running a little differently since we are watching a show.

Please read through this information below. Additionally, you can email Ms. Frenzel at if you have any questions or need further clarifications :) I will be checking emails until 10:30 PM tonight.

  • Please arrive on time -- by 9:00 A.M. Breakfast will be served from 8:00 to 8:30 AM as usual.
  • We will be lining all students up, taking attendance, and doing bathroom runs during this time -- so please make your drop offs as prompt as possible. 
Lunch and Snacks:
  • The office has given us official word on times and meals regarding tomorrow. Since we will be back relatively early, Pizza day is still on for tomorrow -- and we will eat as soon as we get back to school between 12:45 PM - 1:00 PM. 
  • We will provide a light snack during the Disney on Ice show to hold children over until lunch
  • Please dress children according to the weather forecast tomorrow. Also keep in mind that the majority of our trip is indoors.
  • If you happen to have an orange trip shirt, we encourage students to wear them -- however,  it is not mandatory. 
If you have any questions at all, please see Ms. Frenzel or email her!

Additional Class News:
  • We will only have 3 days of school next week: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. All three days are full school days, and we will be closed for Thanksgiving and the day after (Black Friday). 
  • Ms. Frenzel will be leaving on Wednesday, November 25th at 12:30 PM. You may direct all of your questions to Ms. Hanna or Ms. Marcela.


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