
Monday, September 21, 2015

Happy Monday

Welcome again to a new week in Pre-k! We hope you all had a fun and safe weekend! This week we will be discussing apples, orchards, and fall weather as we approach our trip on Friday. Please sign up if you have not already done so.

Class News:
In an effort to organize each child's space in our classroom, the Pre-K teachers have moved all student bedding to the organizer shelves by the teachers closet. This will prevent clutter in individual book-bags and wooden cubby/bins above the hooks -- leaving more space for their folders and classroom supplies. You will also notice that extra clothing is put in your child's bookbags as well. This is also for space saving purposes. Thank you for your cooperation!

* Tutoring information *
I recently sent home information regarding my after-school tutoring program. I would like to get an idea of how many parents are interested in this service as I will be sending home assessments on the observations I've made academically. Please email me at for more information or registration information.


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