
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Happy Thursday! Field Trip Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is our Apple Picking Field Trip to Maskers Orchards! Please read through this blog update for some important information regarding our trip tomorrow :)

Field Trip Information:

  •  Please arrive for drop off no later than 8:30 A.M. -- the bus will be departing promptly at 9 AM sharp, and Ms. Frenzel will need to take proper attendance, assign partners, and make final bathroom trips prior to students boarding the bus. Please be advised that we request drop offs to move quickly, as the parking lot will need to clear out for the bus to arrive.
  • BROWN BAG LUNCH IS NEEDED. Parents, please pack a "brown bag lunch" consisting of a sandwich and drink for this trip. Do not pack any containers that need to be returned home as everything will be disposable to make the trip easier for students. Please do not pack food that must be re-heated or requiring a utensil. If you have any further questions, please see Ms. Frenzel.
  • Leave all snacks in school. We will have snack when we return at 2:00 PM.
  • Please dress your children in the appropriate layers to accommodate the weather tomorrow. A light sweater for layering is ideal, and please have children wear sneakers for safe and comfy walking.

    In other class news...
Our Book Fair is starting next week! Here is a list of some books the students would like to have in our class library



In Your Folders

  • Your folders have our school work from today (not homework) -- please check out our "Question of the Day" prediction cards and see what your Pre-K student said about our field trip tomorrow! We had a lot of great answers!


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