
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Happy Thursday!

I would like to thank all parents who have been taking the time to read through my classroom blog updates! Your response has been wonderful, and I do hope that you all are finding the updates helpful during these first few days of Pre-k transitions :) .

Class Updates Today:

Today is our usual Thursday pizza day, however, I would like to update parents on a slight change that will be happening for our lunch period on Thursdays only starting this week and moving forward...

Typically, the Pre-k class lunch schedule is slated for 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM. Since some of our students are on half day schedules and leave by noon, the main office has decided to combine our Thursday pizza lunch slot with Pre-k 3 to better accommodate children who are leaving at this time. This new lunch time will be from 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM - and will take place only on Thursdays; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fridays will still be the usual 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM.

On Questions Regarding our Rest Policy:

Some parents have had a few questions regarding our school's rest/nap policy and I would like to take the opportunity to give you guys some additional feedback in case families still had questions.

According to the updated rest and sleep policy effective/revised in September of 2013 from the state, children over 18 months and enrolled in a state licensed program are required the following:
         i. Daily rest and/or sleep for each child who attends the center for four or more consecutive                     hours; Daily rest and/or sleep for each child who attends the center for fewer than four                        consecutive hours, and an alternative quiet activity for each child who has rested or slept for                 30 minutes and does not appear to need additional rest or sleep.

Understandably, some children in our class have outgrown the need for a typical nap period, while some children who attend our program for a longer period of time find it beneficial to rest. I will be making a genuine effort to provide alternative quiet/non-disruptive activities for those students who express unneeded sleep time, within reasonable respect to those children who do express their need to sleep. We will never force children to take a nap, and likewise, never keep children up who are tired. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns :)

In other news...
Please bring in a family picture and all requested school supplies by Monday September 14th.

THANK YOU! I know it was a lot to read!
- Ms. Frenzel


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