
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Happy Wednesday!

It's been a wet and rainy Wednesday, but the Pre-k students worked on great indoor activities to beat the weather blues! We had a free demo of Soccer Stars today in the gym, and we had a great time exercising our gross motor skills with our friends!

Tonight's Homework Due Tomorrow October 1st:
To continue with our literacy classwork activity on our names, tonight's homework activity is in our "Teacher Folders". It is a Draw and Write sheet on the first letter of our names -- and will be due tomorrow. Please follow all directions on the given sheet. Return the homework sheet in the same folder it came in -- credit will be given via sticker charts for class participation!

Class News & Reminders...
  • Tomorrow is Pizza Day! No lunch will be needed!
  • Only 2 more days left for the Scholastic Book Fair! Please help support our school and purchase books for your families today :) There are also pens, bookmarks, and fun school supplies in the main office that are for sale as well.
  • Parents and students, please remember to bring all book-bags and notebooks/folders every day to school. With September behind us and a new month ahead, we would like to make sure all students come to school prepared with all their school supplies. Thank You!
  • Please check folders daily and keep papers that I send home with you unless I ask for specific papers back. I noticed a few folders today with announcements from last week's trip still in them, and I would just like to make sure there is no confusion with past and present announcements.Thank you!


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