
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Our First Day in Pre-k

We had a great first day in our Pre-k class!

Today in the Pre-K class we discussed the days of the week and the months of the year! We all took turns getting to know one another in our Circle Time discussion, and also explored the concept of cleaning up and lining up routines.

Transitions also played a large role in getting acquainted with our new learning environment, so we learned about classroom management and accountability by sorting learning tools and educational material by each center.

We discussed the importance of classroom safety with practicing attendance, hand washing, and proper seating habits while eating at lunch.

We also have our first assignment of the new school year - our family wall! Please bring in a family picture by Monday September 14th so we may add it to our classroom. We will be taking the time to discuss the members of our families in an effort to get to know one another.

Please refer to the Pre-K packet for a list of supplies that are needed by Monday of next week. We strongly suggest you provide your child with a school-aged book bag, big enough to fit books and notebooks, to ensure that their folders and materials do not get lost while in our program. You will find that during the duration of their stay in our class, that we will frequently send home letters of communication in an effort to keep all parents in the loop -- the folders will come in handy for these as well.

Thank You and check back tomorrow for further class updates!

- Ms. Frenzel


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