
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Hello Thursday!

The Pre-k students did an amazing job on their second Show and Tell homework assignment, the letter Bb. We had lots of wonderful contributions during our Show and Tell: books, bracelet, Batman, bears, Barbie, bunny, and lots lots more! Thank you parents for helping support this literacy activity both in and out of the classroom! 

In the Classroom:
  • We discussed the parts of a pumpkin during Circle Time and read The Pumpkin Patch to support this week's literary theme of Fall and Fall Harvests.

Tonight's Homework:
  • Please trace and color your Pumpkin worksheet for homework tonight -- they will be in your folders. Parents, you can also take a look at our math classwork activity "My Pumpkin Book" -- which was today's math focus on writing and recognizing numbers 1-5. 
  • Please hand in homework tomorrow. 

Thank You!


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