
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Happy Tuesday!

Happy Election Day every one!
Today during Circle Time we discussed Transportation and Election Day! We described and gave examples of different types of transportation -- as well as exercised our right to vote by voting on the cross-curricular transportation topic "What Method of Transportation Is Best?"
In Class News
  • Our field trip of the month will be taking place on Friday, November 20th for Disney on Ice. Please see the main office to sign up for this trip.
  • In your folders you will also find the Picture Day schedule for next week -- please see the teachers if you have any questions regarding Picture Day arrangements with siblings.
  • An early reminder that we will be closed for Thanksgiving and the day after -- where has the school year gone?! 
Homework Tonight:
  • Transportation Theme: Draw another type of Transportation on the paper provided in your teacher folders. This is due tomorrow -- and we will discuss this during Circle Time.


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