
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Happy Wednesday!

Homework Tonight:

  • We are starting our weekly Show and Tell homework this week! It will continue every Thursday in sequential order starting from Aa.
  • Please bring in something that starts with the letter Aa for Show and  Tell tomorrow. All participating students will receive credit on their sticker charts for homework completion! Some great examples of the letter Aa we came up with during our Circle Time today were: apples, astronaut figure, arms, animals, acorns, alligator, autumn leaf, and arrow. We can't wait to see what you all bring in tomorrow!
In Classroom News:
  • Thank you parents for signing up for our Halloween Party! We appreciate your help and enthusiastic contributions -- and thank you for your fast response! At the moment, we have all sign ups filled up -- but if you would like to bring anything else to contribute to our classroom, I have allotted new spaces for "other" contributions on the sign up website. Please click here if you would like to view the page. 
  • I will be sending home permission slips for our next field trip by the end of next week.We will be going pumpkin picking at DiPeiro's farm on Thursday October 22nd! We hope you are all able to join us on our second field trip of the fall season.
  • A friendly reminder: Ms. Frenzel will not be in school this Friday Oct. 9th. Please see the main office or Ms. Hanna and Ms. Marcela if you have any questions. 
  • School is Closed on Monday October 12th for Columbus Day
  • Tomorrow is Pizza Day!


  1. Greetings Ms. Franzel, this is Elys, Yasemin's mom. I will bring a fruit salad for the Halloween party. There were no more spaces on the sign up sheet.

  2. Greetings Ms. Franzel, this is Elys, Yasemin's mom. I will bring a fruit salad for the Halloween party. There were no more spaces on the sign up sheet.
