
Thursday, October 8, 2015

It's Thursday!

The Pre-K class did and amazing job with our very first Show and Tell presentation during Circle Time! We are thrilled to see everyone participating in our home activities, and hope that you all enjoyed working with your child to complete this homework assignment as well. Our sticker charts thank you too!

Here are some themes we covered during our A.M. Circle Time discussion:

  • Our 5 Senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching)
  • Fall Changes (leaves, weather, Halloween, and harvests)
  • Fire Safety (where do we line up during a fire drill & what constitutes as an emergency)

In Class News:
  • Ms. Frenzel will not be in tomorrow -- have an awesome and safe holiday weekend!
  • Prime Time will be closed on Monday the 12th for Columbus Day
  • Thank you for your Halloween Party sign ups -- we are now officially full and have all the food items we requested for the party, plus so much more. Thank you for your generosity!
  • Ms. Frenzel will be drafting lesson plans via Preschool2Me and will post the new bi-weekly lesson plans as the template becomes available to her -- sorry for the delay (in case parents have noticed on our Parent Board!) thank you!

Field Trip Update:
  • Ms. Frenzel will be able to distribute permission slips today -- so please check all folders and book-bags for this tonight. Please hand these slips in to the Pre-K teachers or the main office.

Thank You!


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