
Monday, October 19, 2015

Welcome to a New Week!

Hello and welcome to a new week of learning in the Pre-k class! We hope you all had a great weekend! This week we will be covering some new topics, as well as revisiting some old ones we've discussed.

Our Literacy Focus this week:
  • The letter Cc. We will practice writing the letter Cc in our writing notebooks and do phonemic exercises during Circle Time. We will also give examples of things and words that start with the letter Cc in preparation for Show and Tell this Thursday!
Math Focus and Writing Connection this week:
  • Counting with unifix cubes 1-5. Writing 1-5 in our STEM journals.

In addition to these learning capstones, we will be covering the topics discussed in our weekly lesson plan as stated here.

Regarding Halloween Events in our School:
  • The Pre-K halloween party has been changed to October 29th (Thursday) instead of the previously scheduled 30th (Friday). This is due to management's decision to hold our Trunk-or-Treat on Thursday since we have a lot of families out on Fridays. Should you have any questions -- please see the main office for more details.
  • To sign up for our Trunk-or-Treat event, please see the main office to sign up!  
  • Trunk of Treat will be from 10-11 AM
  • Class Party will be from 11AM-12-30 PM


    THANK YOU!!!


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