
Friday, November 20, 2015

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Ms. Frenzel is out sick today, but all our Pre-K teachers hope you have a great weekend! Show and Tell will resume Monday and there is no other homework for the weekend!

Just a reminder: We will be closed on Thanksgiving and Black Friday

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thank You Parents!

The Pre-K class had an amazing time today and really loved seeing all the Disney characters perform on the ice! A very special thank you goes out to Yasemin, Lucas, and Gianni's mom's for taking the time to chaperone our field trip in such short notice! You moms were awesome and made our experience at the Prudential Center so much more fun.

Show and Tell will resume on Monday  for the letter Gg. 

Thank You!!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Field Trip Tomorrow!

Hello Parents! Tomorrow is our field trip to the Prudential Center for Disney on Ice! Here is a complete run-down of what to expect tomorrow, since this trip will be running a little differently since we are watching a show.

Please read through this information below. Additionally, you can email Ms. Frenzel at if you have any questions or need further clarifications :) I will be checking emails until 10:30 PM tonight.

  • Please arrive on time -- by 9:00 A.M. Breakfast will be served from 8:00 to 8:30 AM as usual.
  • We will be lining all students up, taking attendance, and doing bathroom runs during this time -- so please make your drop offs as prompt as possible. 
Lunch and Snacks:
  • The office has given us official word on times and meals regarding tomorrow. Since we will be back relatively early, Pizza day is still on for tomorrow -- and we will eat as soon as we get back to school between 12:45 PM - 1:00 PM. 
  • We will provide a light snack during the Disney on Ice show to hold children over until lunch
  • Please dress children according to the weather forecast tomorrow. Also keep in mind that the majority of our trip is indoors.
  • If you happen to have an orange trip shirt, we encourage students to wear them -- however,  it is not mandatory. 
If you have any questions at all, please see Ms. Frenzel or email her!

Additional Class News:
  • We will only have 3 days of school next week: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. All three days are full school days, and we will be closed for Thanksgiving and the day after (Black Friday). 
  • Ms. Frenzel will be leaving on Wednesday, November 25th at 12:30 PM. You may direct all of your questions to Ms. Hanna or Ms. Marcela.

Monday, November 16, 2015

New Week and Lesson Plan Update

Happy Monday to you all. Here is the updated Lesson Plan for this Week!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Happy Friday Everyone!

It's Friday! We hope you all had an excellent week, and wish you a happy and safe weekend. 

There is no homework, but encourage all Pre-k students to continue their acts of kindness around the house.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Happy Thursday!

Thank you all for the wonderful Show and Tell contributions today! We had a great time talking about the letter F, making F phonemic sounds, and getting our stickers for our sticket charts.
Please don't forget to sign up for our Disney on Ice trip -- and if you do not plan on attending this month's trip, please see Ms. Frenzel so I can update our class trip roster.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Pizza Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is Show and Tell letter Ff. Please bring in something that begins with the letter Ff to share with the class. Some great examples we came up with today were: frog, fish, fairy, fire truck, frame, face mask, faces, frankfurters, friendship bracelets, and friends.

Tomorrow is Pizza Day Thursday! And once again, please see the main office to sign up for our field trip to Disney on Ice.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Happy Tuesday!

No homework tonight!

Parents, please sign up for the field trip on Thursday November 19th. We still have plenty of spaces available! If you are not coming on this trip, please let Ms. Frenzel know ASAP.

We had a wonderful Picture Day today with the Jelly Jar Photography studio and thank you all for making sure your students were prepared!

Proofs of the photos today will arrive before the holidays and as always, we will keep you all posted.

Thank You!
Monday, November 9, 2015

Changes to Picture Day

Attention Parents!
  • There has been some heavy miscommunication regarding our annual class picture day. I spoke with the office and it has been confirmed by Ms. Nicole our director that picture day for us will be taking place TOMORROW/TUESDAY NOVEMBER 10th. Not Wednesday (or Thursday, even). I have been updating parents personally as soon as I found out and if you have any concerns please see the main office.
  • Pictures will begin at 9:45 A.M. so please arrive prior to that time -- there has not been any confirmation as to which class will go first (since we are doing picture day with 2 other younger classes) so to prevent any further confusion I am advising everyone to arrive at this time as to not miss out. 
  • Sorry for the confusion -- I am trying to get this information to everyone as soon as possible so I will be sending a blast announcement via Preschool2Me and if you would like to spread the word to other parents -- feel free! Thank you guys!
Thank you for all the wonderful homework submissions! We had a wonderful time talking about all the things we did for our families to show and spread kindness!
Friday, November 6, 2015

Its Friday!

We hope you all have an awesome weekend and enjoy the unseasonably warm weather! This week we discussed the social/emotional topic of being kind, so we do have a simple home activity for you all to do as a family over the weekend. If you did not attend school today, you can still do the activity at home that we will be discussing on Monday.

Homework over the Weekend:
  • Pre-K students: perform 3 acts of kindness at home and record/draw a picture of what you did on the paper I sent home in folders today. Some examples we discussed today were: helping clean up your room, helping mom and dad with your younger siblings, asking your family how their day was, calling family members to say hello/I love you, helping prepare dinner, etc...
  • Parents: on the index cards I sent home, write down the 3 acts of kindness done
  • * NOTE: If you were not here today, you can draw on any white unlined paper, and parents can write on a separate paper was 3 acts of kindness were  done. I will transfer them on index cards on Monday. * 

Enjoy this activity and we can't wait to hear all about it! The teachers will be participating as well!

Thank You,
Ms. Frenzel

Thursday, November 5, 2015

It's Thursday!

Great work on Show and Tell letter E, everyone!

No Homework Tonight

Class Reminders:
  • If you have not already signed up for the Disney on Ice field trip, please see the main office to sign a permission slip and make a payment to reserve a spot.
  • Picture Day is next week! Our day will be on Thursday the 12th.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Happy Wednesday

Tonight's Homework:
  • Show and Tell letter Ee. Please bring in something that starts with the letter Ee. Some great examples we came up with during Circle Time were: elephant, eel, eagle, ears, earphones, earrings, elbow, elmo, eggs, etc...
Field Trip to Disney on Ice will be on Thursday, November 19th. We are so sorry for the confusion -- there was a slight miscommunication between myself and the office.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Happy Tuesday!

Happy Election Day every one!
Today during Circle Time we discussed Transportation and Election Day! We described and gave examples of different types of transportation -- as well as exercised our right to vote by voting on the cross-curricular transportation topic "What Method of Transportation Is Best?"
In Class News
  • Our field trip of the month will be taking place on Friday, November 20th for Disney on Ice. Please see the main office to sign up for this trip.
  • In your folders you will also find the Picture Day schedule for next week -- please see the teachers if you have any questions regarding Picture Day arrangements with siblings.
  • An early reminder that we will be closed for Thanksgiving and the day after -- where has the school year gone?! 
Homework Tonight:
  • Transportation Theme: Draw another type of Transportation on the paper provided in your teacher folders. This is due tomorrow -- and we will discuss this during Circle Time.
Monday, November 2, 2015

Happy November!

Welcome to a new school week and new school month -- November! This week our literary focus will cover writing and pre-writing letters A-E, and our thematic Circle Time discussion will focus on transportation and voting (in lieu of Election Day).

We will be giving examples of methods of transportation as well as comparing and contrasting them by land, rail, air, and water.

In Class News:

  • We have gotten official word that our Picture Day will be taking place next week, the week of November 9th. Our scheduled day will be on Thursday, November 12th starting at 9:00 AM.                             *The schedule for that week (for siblings in other classes):
                              Monday 11.9 - Kitties & Puppies
                              Tuesday 11.10 - Angels 1 & Angels 2
                              Wednesday 11.11 - Snugglies & T-Rex
                              Thursday 11.12 - Pre-Kindergarten & Preschool 3
  • Election Day is November 3rd -- tomorrow we will be voting on our favorite classroom centers to exercise our Pre-K rights :) 

Thank You!