
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Happy Wednesday!

It's been a wet and rainy Wednesday, but the Pre-k students worked on great indoor activities to beat the weather blues! We had a free demo of Soccer Stars today in the gym, and we had a great time exercising our gross motor skills with our friends!

Tonight's Homework Due Tomorrow October 1st:
To continue with our literacy classwork activity on our names, tonight's homework activity is in our "Teacher Folders". It is a Draw and Write sheet on the first letter of our names -- and will be due tomorrow. Please follow all directions on the given sheet. Return the homework sheet in the same folder it came in -- credit will be given via sticker charts for class participation!

Class News & Reminders...
  • Tomorrow is Pizza Day! No lunch will be needed!
  • Only 2 more days left for the Scholastic Book Fair! Please help support our school and purchase books for your families today :) There are also pens, bookmarks, and fun school supplies in the main office that are for sale as well.
  • Parents and students, please remember to bring all book-bags and notebooks/folders every day to school. With September behind us and a new month ahead, we would like to make sure all students come to school prepared with all their school supplies. Thank You!
  • Please check folders daily and keep papers that I send home with you unless I ask for specific papers back. I noticed a few folders today with announcements from last week's trip still in them, and I would just like to make sure there is no confusion with past and present announcements.Thank you!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Happy Tuesday

A big thank you to all the parents and students who bought us books to share with the class! We now have lots of books to read throughout our week and it's all thanks to you! Thank you for helping us expand our class library and contributing to our literary expansion :)

No Homework tonight

* Today in class the students practiced name recognition and basic handwriting practice. We will be working on this throughout the week and will send it as a home activity to practice later on this week.
Monday, September 28, 2015

Happy Monday

Welcome back to a new school week! Please be on the lookout this week for October newsletters -- and classwork activities that we will be sending home. We hope you all had a great weekend, and thank our classmate Jacob for baking the teachers a delicious apple pie from the field trip last Friday!

Classroom News

  • There will be no homework tonight.

  • Parents who are registering for October's tutoring, please see Ms. Frenzel for availability and scheduling prior to the 1st.
  • Our annual book fair starts today and will run until October 2nd! Thank you to our classmate Joseph for buying us some great books off our wishlist! We loved reading them in Circle Time today!!!

Thank You!
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Happy Thursday! Field Trip Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is our Apple Picking Field Trip to Maskers Orchards! Please read through this blog update for some important information regarding our trip tomorrow :)

Field Trip Information:

  •  Please arrive for drop off no later than 8:30 A.M. -- the bus will be departing promptly at 9 AM sharp, and Ms. Frenzel will need to take proper attendance, assign partners, and make final bathroom trips prior to students boarding the bus. Please be advised that we request drop offs to move quickly, as the parking lot will need to clear out for the bus to arrive.
  • BROWN BAG LUNCH IS NEEDED. Parents, please pack a "brown bag lunch" consisting of a sandwich and drink for this trip. Do not pack any containers that need to be returned home as everything will be disposable to make the trip easier for students. Please do not pack food that must be re-heated or requiring a utensil. If you have any further questions, please see Ms. Frenzel.
  • Leave all snacks in school. We will have snack when we return at 2:00 PM.
  • Please dress your children in the appropriate layers to accommodate the weather tomorrow. A light sweater for layering is ideal, and please have children wear sneakers for safe and comfy walking.

    In other class news...
Our Book Fair is starting next week! Here is a list of some books the students would like to have in our class library



In Your Folders

  • Your folders have our school work from today (not homework) -- please check out our "Question of the Day" prediction cards and see what your Pre-K student said about our field trip tomorrow! We had a lot of great answers!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Happy Wednesday!

Tomorrow is Pizza Day! 

*We will be having lunch at 11:30 A.M. tomorrow.


The Pre-K students and teachers would like to wish you all a Happy First Day of Fall. Friday is our Apple Picking Field Trip! We hope you all join us for our annual trip to Maskers Orchards

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Happy Tuesday!

No homework scheduled for this evening.

Regarding Tutoring:
Parents who requested information from me today during AM drop off regarding my own private tutoring program, please check your child's bags and folders for an important information packet regarding hours, pricing, and availability. My first month of tutoring officially begins Monday, October 5th -- so please reach out to me in the classroom during drop off or via email at for scheduling and further information on enrolling.

- If you have not gotten information and ARE interested, please see Ms. Frenzel.

Class News:
We will be having a Scholastic Book Fair starting Monday, September 28th. More information to follow!

Thank You!
Monday, September 21, 2015

Happy Monday

Welcome again to a new week in Pre-k! We hope you all had a fun and safe weekend! This week we will be discussing apples, orchards, and fall weather as we approach our trip on Friday. Please sign up if you have not already done so.

Class News:
In an effort to organize each child's space in our classroom, the Pre-K teachers have moved all student bedding to the organizer shelves by the teachers closet. This will prevent clutter in individual book-bags and wooden cubby/bins above the hooks -- leaving more space for their folders and classroom supplies. You will also notice that extra clothing is put in your child's bookbags as well. This is also for space saving purposes. Thank you for your cooperation!

* Tutoring information *
I recently sent home information regarding my after-school tutoring program. I would like to get an idea of how many parents are interested in this service as I will be sending home assessments on the observations I've made academically. Please email me at for more information or registration information.
Friday, September 18, 2015

It's Friday

We hope you all had a great week -- and wish you all a happy and safe weekend! Thank you to all the families who participated in our first home activity of the school year, "Me in a Bag".

See you all next week and please remember to bring home bedding to be washed this weekend.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hello Thursday!

The students had a wonderful day of music & movement with Bobby Beetcut! What a great way to spend our Thursday morning!

Thank you to all the students who participated in our "Me in a Bag" Circle Time discussion -- we are very happy to see such involvement from families in our home activities!

Update on Field Trip 9.25.15
  • There is a change in payment preference from the main office. Our director Nicole Olsen has requested that all payments for this trip be in a form of checks only - made out to Prime Time. The cost for this field trip is $40.00
  • If you already handed in our permission slips and made a check payment, disregard this notice.
  • If you have not yet signed our permission slips, please do so and give payments to the main office.

No Homework Tonight or Tomorrow
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Happy Wednesday!

Just a reminder to parents who are new to our program -- tomorrow is Pizza Day! Please provide only a snack and/or dinner for your child since lunch will be provided.

Children can make up their home activity tomorrow, "Me in a Bag", if they were unable to complete this task in time for our Circle Time discussion. We encourage all parents to get involved and students will earn credits for participating by receiving reward stickers for their incentive charts!

* Please see the office for Field Trip forms. Thank you!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Happy Tuesday

CLASS NEWS 9.15.15

Please check your child's folder and book-bag for our homework tonight! It is labeled as "Me in a Bag" and I am asking all parents to turn this home activity in by tomorrow as part of our Circle Time ice breaker and social emotional discussion.
  • Directions for this activity are as follows: Parents, please work with your child to find items around the house that expresses and best depicts who they are. Please try to find items that fit in this bag only (no large action figures or books) and if necessary, you may print pictures out for visual aid. We can't wait to see what you bring in!
  • Here is an example of Ms. Frenzel's  "Me in a Bag". It shows a pumpkin for fall (Ms. Frenzel's favorite season) a cutout of sushi (one of her favorite foods) and an Avengers comic book! :

Monday, September 14, 2015

Happy Monday

Welcome back to a new week -- we hope you all had a great time over the weekend.

* Please check your child's book bag for their folders -- all folders should have a permission slip for our Apple Picking field trip.

Thank You!
Friday, September 11, 2015

It's Friday!

We hope you all enjoyed our first week in Pre-Kindergarten! Please do not forget to bring in a family picture by Monday to add to our Family Wall.

Class Update:
This month we will be going on our annual Apple Picking field trip to Maskers Orchards. Please see Ms. Frenzel or check your folders and bins for permission slips. The trip will be $40.00 and is payable by check or included in tuition only - no cash payments will be accepted.

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Happy Thursday!

I would like to thank all parents who have been taking the time to read through my classroom blog updates! Your response has been wonderful, and I do hope that you all are finding the updates helpful during these first few days of Pre-k transitions :) .

Class Updates Today:

Today is our usual Thursday pizza day, however, I would like to update parents on a slight change that will be happening for our lunch period on Thursdays only starting this week and moving forward...

Typically, the Pre-k class lunch schedule is slated for 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM. Since some of our students are on half day schedules and leave by noon, the main office has decided to combine our Thursday pizza lunch slot with Pre-k 3 to better accommodate children who are leaving at this time. This new lunch time will be from 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM - and will take place only on Thursdays; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fridays will still be the usual 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM.

On Questions Regarding our Rest Policy:

Some parents have had a few questions regarding our school's rest/nap policy and I would like to take the opportunity to give you guys some additional feedback in case families still had questions.

According to the updated rest and sleep policy effective/revised in September of 2013 from the state, children over 18 months and enrolled in a state licensed program are required the following:
         i. Daily rest and/or sleep for each child who attends the center for four or more consecutive                     hours; Daily rest and/or sleep for each child who attends the center for fewer than four                        consecutive hours, and an alternative quiet activity for each child who has rested or slept for                 30 minutes and does not appear to need additional rest or sleep.

Understandably, some children in our class have outgrown the need for a typical nap period, while some children who attend our program for a longer period of time find it beneficial to rest. I will be making a genuine effort to provide alternative quiet/non-disruptive activities for those students who express unneeded sleep time, within reasonable respect to those children who do express their need to sleep. We will never force children to take a nap, and likewise, never keep children up who are tired. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns :)

In other news...
Please bring in a family picture and all requested school supplies by Monday September 14th.

THANK YOU! I know it was a lot to read!
- Ms. Frenzel

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Family Pictures Needed

Please hand back any photography consent forms and allergy forms by the end of this week. Additionally, if you have not yet handed in your family pictures as a part of our homework assignment, please make sure to do so by next week.

Thank You!
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Our First Day in Pre-k

We had a great first day in our Pre-k class!

Today in the Pre-K class we discussed the days of the week and the months of the year! We all took turns getting to know one another in our Circle Time discussion, and also explored the concept of cleaning up and lining up routines.

Transitions also played a large role in getting acquainted with our new learning environment, so we learned about classroom management and accountability by sorting learning tools and educational material by each center.

We discussed the importance of classroom safety with practicing attendance, hand washing, and proper seating habits while eating at lunch.

We also have our first assignment of the new school year - our family wall! Please bring in a family picture by Monday September 14th so we may add it to our classroom. We will be taking the time to discuss the members of our families in an effort to get to know one another.

Please refer to the Pre-K packet for a list of supplies that are needed by Monday of next week. We strongly suggest you provide your child with a school-aged book bag, big enough to fit books and notebooks, to ensure that their folders and materials do not get lost while in our program. You will find that during the duration of their stay in our class, that we will frequently send home letters of communication in an effort to keep all parents in the loop -- the folders will come in handy for these as well.

Thank You and check back tomorrow for further class updates!

- Ms. Frenzel

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Welcome to Pre-kindergarten! First Update of the School Year

Hello and welcome families to Ms. Frenzel's Pre-kindergarten class! We hope you all had a safe and fun summer! This blog will be updated for parents and families to stay connected to classroom events, school news, and homework activities throughout the school year.

Please take the time to walk through your child's classroom and gather all the necessary supplies needed for this 2015-2016 school year. I have provided all children in our program with cubbies and hooks -- and have also placed a "Welcome to Pre-k" packet in each cubbie space.

From time to time we will send home notices of communication to parents, therefore it is important that you provide your child with 2 pocket folders, as mentioned in our supplies list -- along with other important supplies needed for the school year.

Have a wonderful start to the new school year!