
Friday, October 30, 2015

It's Friday!

Halloween Weekend is here! Once again, I'd like to send a heartfelt thank you out to parents and families who did an amazing job contributing to our class events this week. Your enthusiasm is greatly appreciated -- and we hope you had as much fun as we did yesterday!
No homework this weekend, enjoy your Halloween!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Post-Halloween update

Thank you very much to all the parents and families who helped us get into the Halloween spirit today! We appreciate all of your contributions and enthusiasm-- and we can't tell you enough how awesome our day went! 

Unfortunately, in the midst of all this fun we were unable to squeeze in Show and Tell letter Dd today -- so we will be doing our Show and Tells between tomorrow and Monday. 

No homework tonight! Enjoy your first round of Halloween treats!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Halloween Festivities!

Tomorrow is our big Halloween bash! We can't wait to see you all dressed up in your costumes!

Here are some reminders for tomorrow's party and activities:
  • Please bring in all of your contributing food items to our kitchen upstairs. Both lunch and snack will not be needed tomorrow since we will be having what we signed up. Here is the link to the food party list for your reference.
  • Please come already dressed in your costumes by the time you drop off. You may bring in a change of clothes if your child desires a wardrobe change at some point during the day :)
  • Parents contributing to the Trunk or Treat: Please meet with the office for official scheduling and additional questions regarding set up and parking.
  • The Parade and Trunk or Treat will begin at 10:00 AM and will run until 11:00 AM.
  • The Class Lunch Party will begin immediately after, and will run from 11:00 AM until 12:30 PM.
Show and Tell Letter Dd for Homework Tomorrow! We know its a lot, but feel free to keep your Show and Tell's simple -- there is a lot going on tomorrow morning but the students have been requesting to do their Show and Tell letter Dd since Monday's make-up day for letter Cc.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

It's Tuesday!

Hello Parents! Sorry for the delay in updates yesterday -- we had a very busy day of moving learning centers and expanding our classroom! We are working with the office to create a more spacious environment during our scheduled creative art, circle time, and small focus group sessions, and will be giving parents a detailed report if there are any major changes that happen within our room.

For now, we just have a few quick notes and schedule change reminders:

  • Morning drop offs and breakfast will be taking place in Ms. Jessica's new room, the former Raptors class. This room is on the first floor, second door on your left. Please continue to drop off lunches and bookbags/jackets upstairs in our classroom before dropping your child off in Ms. Jessica's room downstairs. Thank You!!!
  • Our lunch schedule is now officially 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Monday-Friday with a wind-down period to rest time after. 
  • We will wake up/end rest period at 1:30 PM instead of 2:00 PM (giving children who are alseep time to naturally wake up from this point until snack).
  • Snack will now take place from 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Please see Ms. Frenzel if you have any questions!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Happy Monday!

Welcome to another school week! We apologize for the mess in our room -- we are expanding our learning space into the former Pre-k 3 class! We are excited to share new learning activities with you all and can't wait to show you guys our finished products.


Just a reminder: morning drop offs from 8-8:30 will be in the Raptors room (second door on the left first floor)

Friday, October 23, 2015

It's Friday!

Have an awesome weekend! When we start a new week on Monday, our literacy focus will be on the letter Dd!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Show and Tell & Pizza Day Tomorrow!

We had an awesome time pumpkin picking at Secor Farms! We hope that you all enjoy decorating your pumpkins this weekend!

Class Reminders for Tomorrow:
  • Tomorrow will be Show and Tell letter Cc. Some great examples of the letter Cc we discussed today were: cars, cat, crayons, chair, corn, cranberry, craisins, coloring book, chocolate milk, et... Please bring in something that starts with the letter Cc!
  • Pizza day tomorrow for students who attended the field trip! No lunch needed tomorrow! 
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Field Trip Tomorrow

Tomorrow is our pumpkin picking field trip to Secor Farms in Mahwah. Since our field trip will interfere with our weekly Show and Tell, we will be having Show and Tell this Friday instead. If your child is not scheduled to attend school on Fridays, please bring your Show and Tells on Monday or the next day you are scheduled to come in. Thank you!

Important Field Trip Reminders:
  • We are leaving promptly at 9:00 A.M. and are asking families to drop their children off by no later than 8:30 A.M. to ensure a smooth and stress free morning. As with any field trip, we will be taking attendance and using the bathroom before boarding the bus, as well as assigning partners and doing brown bag lunch checks. Brown bag lunch reminders can be found below.
  • We will return by 2:00 PM and will have snack upon our arrival.
  • If you are picking up your child at this time, we kindly ask all parents to please allow students to enter the building for attendance accountability and safety purposes -- before releasing them. This is also to give us time to retrieve your child's pumpkin that they picked today :)
"Brown Bag Lunch" Reminders:
  • Yesterday I sent home a notice reminder in Teacher Folders regarding brown bag lunches. Please make sure all lunches are fully disposable and that you do not pack any containers or thermoses for your children tomorrow.
  • We ask that you pack the following: 1 sandwich, 1 drink, (and if you feel your child needs it) 1 small snack.
  • We have a vending machine in the teacher's lounge for bottled water and drinks if you need them in case of a last minute emergency. 
  • Please label your child's lunch with their name and refrain from using overly large brown bags. Ziplocks are also acceptable since it does not take up too much space in our portable coolers.

Pizza Day Tomorrow will be rescheduled for Friday October 23rd so no lunch will be needed this Friday if your child attended the field trip.

Thank You Parents! 
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

No Homework Tonight 

Class Reminders:
  • Please check all student folders tonight and keep any notices of communication home. We will be having Show and Tell on Friday instead of Monday, in lieu of our Pumpkin Picking Field trip this Thursday. All students who are not scheduled on a Friday may present Show and Tell the following Monday and will continue to get credit on their sticker charts.
  • Pumpkin Picking trip this Thursday! I will provide a full update tomorrow. Please sign up if you have not already done so!

As a reminder, these are the recent changes in our Halloween week -- we thank you in advance for all your participation!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Welcome to a New Week!

Hello and welcome to a new week of learning in the Pre-k class! We hope you all had a great weekend! This week we will be covering some new topics, as well as revisiting some old ones we've discussed.

Our Literacy Focus this week:
  • The letter Cc. We will practice writing the letter Cc in our writing notebooks and do phonemic exercises during Circle Time. We will also give examples of things and words that start with the letter Cc in preparation for Show and Tell this Thursday!
Math Focus and Writing Connection this week:
  • Counting with unifix cubes 1-5. Writing 1-5 in our STEM journals.

In addition to these learning capstones, we will be covering the topics discussed in our weekly lesson plan as stated here.

Regarding Halloween Events in our School:
  • The Pre-K halloween party has been changed to October 29th (Thursday) instead of the previously scheduled 30th (Friday). This is due to management's decision to hold our Trunk-or-Treat on Thursday since we have a lot of families out on Fridays. Should you have any questions -- please see the main office for more details.
  • To sign up for our Trunk-or-Treat event, please see the main office to sign up!  
  • Trunk of Treat will be from 10-11 AM
  • Class Party will be from 11AM-12-30 PM


    THANK YOU!!!
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lesson Plan

Hello and Happy Weekend! Just a quick update in reference to next week and our new lesson plan layouts moving forward. 

This layout will change according to the Preschool2Me updates, but for now, I hope you find this digital beta version helpful. The picture is clickable for a larger image and for your reading convenience.

Accordingly, I will post this on our Parent Board in the hallway! Thank You Parents!!!


I just wanted to issue a quick apology to parents who've sent me emails these past few days that I was unable to respond to in a timely manner! I was unable to retrieve my password and had been locked out of the email account. However, the issue was resolved (yay!) and I regained access to that email account for continued classroom communication.

That email is 

Friday, October 16, 2015

It's Friday!

Happy Friday to you all!

An important update on our Field Trip:
  • Parents, there has been a change in our field trip agenda for Thursday October 22nd that we would like to inform you on. Due to construction on and around the farm, the administration has decided to change the location of our annual pumpkin picking trip to Secor Farms. Secor Farms is located at 85 Airmont Ave. Mahwah NJ. All trip details will remain the same, with departure time at 9:00 AM and return time at 2:00 PM. -- it will still be on Thursday October 22nd as well. If you have any questions or concerns, please see Ms. Frenzel.
  • If you have not yet signed up, please see Ms. Frenzel for a permission slip. The trip cost is $30.00 and the main office is accepting checks and credit cards, as well as allowing parents the option to include the fee in tuition (again lol).
In Class News:
  • Next week's literary focus will be the letter Cc. 
  • Writing practice will continue for letters Aa-Cc and numbers 1-5.
  • Trunk-or-Treat information will be available on Monday! Please see the main office for details on signing up.
  • New flyer update for Halloween Week! 

There is no homework this weekend! Enjoy and have an awesome time!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Hello Thursday!

The Pre-k students did an amazing job on their second Show and Tell homework assignment, the letter Bb. We had lots of wonderful contributions during our Show and Tell: books, bracelet, Batman, bears, Barbie, bunny, and lots lots more! Thank you parents for helping support this literacy activity both in and out of the classroom! 

In the Classroom:
  • We discussed the parts of a pumpkin during Circle Time and read The Pumpkin Patch to support this week's literary theme of Fall and Fall Harvests.

Tonight's Homework:
  • Please trace and color your Pumpkin worksheet for homework tonight -- they will be in your folders. Parents, you can also take a look at our math classwork activity "My Pumpkin Book" -- which was today's math focus on writing and recognizing numbers 1-5. 
  • Please hand in homework tomorrow. 

Thank You!
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Happy Wednesday

Today in the Pre-k class, we worked on our pre-writing skills and practiced the letters (upper/lowercase) Aa and Bb -- this continued support and exercise has shown such great results in our students! Amazing work, guys!
Homework Tonight:
  • Tomorrow is Show and Tell letter Bb. Please bring in something that starts with a letter Bb! Some great examples we discussed in class were: bumblebee, bubbles, baseball, ball, bracelet, brown things, bread, bowl, bagels, etc...
  • As usual, class participation and completion of homework will result in stickers for your child's sticker chart!
In Class News:
  • If you have not yet signed up for our Pumpkin Picking trip next week, please do so and reach out to the main office to make a payment and sign permission slips (if you did not get one already).
  • Tomorrow is Pizza Day! Delicious!
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to a new week! We hope you all had an awesome long weekend!

In the classroom:
  • This week in class, we will be using our pre-writing skills on the letters Aa and Bb (since B is our new letter of the week) in our Writing Notebooks.
  • We will be discussing fall concepts and harvests this week as we prepare to go on our Pumpkin Picking trip. In our STEM notebooks, we worked on an observation activity on the life cycle of a pumpkin plant.

Additional Reminders to Parents:
  • I have been asked a few questions regarding "brown bag" lunches for the next field trip. While I will be posting a reminder the day before on this page for parents, I would like to, at this time, remind families  that containers and thermoses will not be permitted on any trips. The idea behind the brown bag lunch is that students will not have to bring items back or run the risk of loosing containers while out of the classroom. However, we do understand that mornings can get hectic on field trip days, so for your convenience -- we do have a vending machine in our staff lounge that dispenses water that you can pack in case of an emergency. 
Friday, October 9, 2015

It's Friday!

No School Monday for Columbus Day!

Have a safe and happy 3 day weekend...

No homework this weekend! Enjoy!
Thursday, October 8, 2015

It's Thursday!

The Pre-K class did and amazing job with our very first Show and Tell presentation during Circle Time! We are thrilled to see everyone participating in our home activities, and hope that you all enjoyed working with your child to complete this homework assignment as well. Our sticker charts thank you too!

Here are some themes we covered during our A.M. Circle Time discussion:

  • Our 5 Senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching)
  • Fall Changes (leaves, weather, Halloween, and harvests)
  • Fire Safety (where do we line up during a fire drill & what constitutes as an emergency)

In Class News:
  • Ms. Frenzel will not be in tomorrow -- have an awesome and safe holiday weekend!
  • Prime Time will be closed on Monday the 12th for Columbus Day
  • Thank you for your Halloween Party sign ups -- we are now officially full and have all the food items we requested for the party, plus so much more. Thank you for your generosity!
  • Ms. Frenzel will be drafting lesson plans via Preschool2Me and will post the new bi-weekly lesson plans as the template becomes available to her -- sorry for the delay (in case parents have noticed on our Parent Board!) thank you!

Field Trip Update:
  • Ms. Frenzel will be able to distribute permission slips today -- so please check all folders and book-bags for this tonight. Please hand these slips in to the Pre-K teachers or the main office.

Thank You!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Happy Wednesday!

Homework Tonight:

  • We are starting our weekly Show and Tell homework this week! It will continue every Thursday in sequential order starting from Aa.
  • Please bring in something that starts with the letter Aa for Show and  Tell tomorrow. All participating students will receive credit on their sticker charts for homework completion! Some great examples of the letter Aa we came up with during our Circle Time today were: apples, astronaut figure, arms, animals, acorns, alligator, autumn leaf, and arrow. We can't wait to see what you all bring in tomorrow!
In Classroom News:
  • Thank you parents for signing up for our Halloween Party! We appreciate your help and enthusiastic contributions -- and thank you for your fast response! At the moment, we have all sign ups filled up -- but if you would like to bring anything else to contribute to our classroom, I have allotted new spaces for "other" contributions on the sign up website. Please click here if you would like to view the page. 
  • I will be sending home permission slips for our next field trip by the end of next week.We will be going pumpkin picking at DiPeiro's farm on Thursday October 22nd! We hope you are all able to join us on our second field trip of the fall season.
  • A friendly reminder: Ms. Frenzel will not be in school this Friday Oct. 9th. Please see the main office or Ms. Hanna and Ms. Marcela if you have any questions. 
  • School is Closed on Monday October 12th for Columbus Day
  • Tomorrow is Pizza Day!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Happy Tuesday!

Class News Today:
  • Thank you parents for your positive feedback during last night's Back-to-School event! We hope that you were able to get the information and feedback you were looking for. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to us at your convenience.
  • Enrichment program flyers are available in your folders today if you did not get a chance to speak to an enrichment representative last night.
  • We will be kicking off Show and Tell this month! This Thursday October 8th will be the first Show and Tell presentation starting with the letter "A". We will continue to have Show and Tell every Thursday chronologically from this week on. As usual, participation for this home activity will result in a sticker for our sticker charts -- so lets get those points in! 

Halloween Events This Month:
  • A BIG THANK YOU to all the parents and families who have already signed up for our Halloween potluck lunch on the 30th! I appreciate the swift and enthusiastic sign ups and thank everyone for their contributions! There are still a few spots available to contribute -- please visit the link below to sign up online.
  • We will be giving information to all parents regarding the Trunk-or-Treat as we get them. Thank you!

Please CLICK HERE to sign up for our Pre-Kindergarten Halloween Party on Friday October 30th!

The link above will give you all the information you need to sign up and contribute to our classroom party! If you have any issues signing up online, please see Ms. Frenzel

Monday, October 5, 2015

Happy Monday!

Please CLICK HERE to sign up for our Pre-Kindergarten Halloween Party on Friday October 30th!

The link above will give you all the information you need to sign up and contribute to our classroom party! If you have any issues signing up online, please see Ms. Frenzel

Monday October 5th Class News:
  • Please sign up for our Halloween party on Friday October 30th.
  • We will have a Trunk-or-Treat on that same Friday (October 30th) and will provide families with more information on that event as we get updates.
  • Tonight is Back-to-School night 
  • No homework! 

Sign Up Sheet for our Halloween Party

Please CLICK HERE to sign up for our Pre-Kindergarten Halloween Party on Friday October 30th!

The link above will give you all the information you need to sign up and contribute to our classroom party! If you have any issues signing up online, please see Ms. Frenzel

Friday, October 2, 2015

It's Friday!

We hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend! No homework tonight, but please read the following classroom reminders.

For Next Week:

  • Monday October 5th will be our Back-to-School Night at 7 PM. Feel free to stop by and get to know your teachers and classroom. This event is not mandatory, nor is it an opportunity to have a one on one conference at this specific time. This Back-to-School event is a time for parents to meet with teachers and answer any questions they may have regarding the curriculum -- private conferences will be available at a later date this school year.
  • We will be discussing Fire Safety and Emergencies as a part of our learning themes since October is Fire Safety month.
  • We will be having a lot of Halloween events this month, so please check your folders daily and read our message board outside the classroom as well as checking the website.
Thank You!
Thursday, October 1, 2015

It's Thursday!

Thank you to students and parents who completed their literacy worksheet activity last night. You all received stickers to add on to your sticker charts for class participation/homework completion! Some of our friends are just a few stickers away from obtaining a special prize! Great work everyone, you all did an awesome job!

With October finally here, we will be having lots of classroom events and activities, as well as classwork during the school day. Please make sure your students bring home all book bags daily, and return them to school the very next day. Not only will this ensure proper communication notes are being received, but it will foster a great routine that will prepare students for Kindergarten next year.


Book Fair Ends tomorrow!!!